This poll was sent out to all members today, however in case you didn't get it for some reason or lost your email, here is the information again.
The council is currently in talks regarding a scoring change for the league. A new proposed format has been submitted and we would like the entire league's views on this. A poll has been created that we would like all members to visit and vote. Your vote will determine the action the league will be taking.
my vote didnt exactly fit any of the criteria so i prefer to post my opinion here . i personally dont see a real problem with the scoring now but do like the idea of getting points for more of your drivers . i would be interested in seeing a scoring comparison on a couple races and finding out if you finish in roughly the same position or what . i think whatever is decided upon would work as long as everyone was aware of changes . and in my opinion things shouldnt change til end of season for any league
I did do scoring for the cup race at Atlanta using the new scoring proposed format and one using real Cup points.... if anyone wants to see it, I'll be happy to post the links here.
ok , you would have to be a true math whiz to compute it with the nascar point system . way too much thinking for my taste , wouldnt have to worry about me checking scores behind . but after comparing the finishes i think you have come up with a pretty good scoring system . as i said earlier i like that you have chance for more drivers to at least get points , crack top 20 and you are scoring . the positions changed a little here and there with the occasional odd ball but on average i think most only moved couple positions . i would rather see a change take place in off season personally . and while we're talking off season , have your salaries always been 180 grand ? i think things would be more competitive if salary cap was 175 not that i really have any say so in cup yet but while i was offering up my opinion . busch series is so hard to pick because you have to use lesser known guys and if you pick the one or two guys that do well that day youre in or you have to have your buschwackers in top 5 to stand chance . in cup if you take 3 a class drivers you should get good through rambling now
Actually in the first season, Cup salaries were 185k. We decided to drop it by 5k in the 2005 season to make things more competitive. I think 180k is a very fair number... to drop it even more would cause some members to have coranaries I think.
I know you don't have experience in the Cup Series yet, but with that numberthe averageis usually2 elite drivers, 2 mid class ones and a cheap-o one. I think that works out pretty good.
Remember everyone, there is a two week window to vote on this subject.......only one week left to let your voice be heard. Just as they say in the elections, if you don't vote and voice your opinion, don't complain when you don't like the results! LOL Seriously, I hope everyone participates in this vote.