This forum serves as a meeting place for Lucky Dog Racing members or other NASCAR fans. Members can comment on or debate any opinions shared by this site. While there are no specific rules written in stone, there are guidelines that members participating in the forum should be aware of.
This forum is administered by the president of Lucky Dog Racing, Lou Demian. He is the moderator and runs the forum as he sees hit. The council does not administer the forum but can give advice regarding the code of conduct on the site.
This forum is not hosted on Lucky Dog Racing’s site but uses an outside company called Sparklit. The appearance and features of the forum are only limited to what Sparklit provides.
A member of Lucky Dog Racing does not need to create a screen name in the forum. On the flip side, we also allowindividuals who are not members of Lucky Dog Racing the opportunity to create forum names here (however we hope that you like us enough to want to join the league as well!).
Most topics are open to discussion here but the moderator has the right to close any threads or delete any postings that he believes aren’t warranted.
You can criticize a topic or “trash talk” to a member but please do not make it personal. Do not bring a member’s personal life into the discussion. Do not post a member’s address or phone number. Do not physically threaten a member. Remember, this is only a fantasy league. If you have anger issues, please keep them in check. If a member feels they have been threatened by someone, please report this to the moderator and the offending person will receive either a warning, a suspension from the forum or possibly the termination of their account.
A member may also be suspended if they start trouble on another site and bring those issues here. If you start an argument on another site with a member, bring that argument here and start with personal attacks, it will be dealt with swiftly here.
What happens in the forum does not reflect a member’s status in Luck Dog Racing during the season. If a member is suspended or terminated from the forum, they will still be able to play as normal in the league for the rest of year. However, if the offense is severe enough, they may not be invited to return the following year. The President will make that decision at the conclusion of the season.
When posting, please refer to these guidelines:
1. Try to stay in topic. The forum is divided into different categories. Please try to pick the best one where you think your topic should go. While it isn’t strictly enforced, it does help members find it better.
2. No offensive content. This is a public forum with members of all ages reading the
content. No vulgar pictures graphic content may be used. This means in your avatar
and signature as well. There is a default curse word filter used, which doesn’t always work correctly… as you will find out when posting certain normal words. Unfortunately it is a default feature and can not be changed.
3. Do not use the forum just to promote your own site. Postings from news sites are allowed,, Jayski, etc….But the only personal sites that we allow regular postings from are our affiliate leagues, currently P10 Select and FASCAR.
If you wish to promote an additional site, please inform the moderator or your post may be deleted.
4. Think before you post! This is a public forum so your postings will be viewed by many different people…. Both members and non-members.Your postings will reflect upon you, so watch what you say.
5. Try to be respectful of everyone. Remember, there is a real person behind that name. They deserve as much respect as you do. Remember, you can kid them and trash talk them about their favorite driver, sports team, or their performance in the league…. But do not cross the line into their personal lives.
6. Most importantly: Have fun! That’s what this forum and site are here for after all.