I'm closing off entrance to the Busch league to anymore exisiting Cup teams for the rest of the year. I wasn't really expecting anymore Cup teams to join, however Greenhouse Racing just came over. We've recently been getting a bunch of new teams joining the Busch League.... mostly thanks to Speed Demon Racing, so I want to make sure we have space for them.
I can handle more than 43 teams in the Busch league since there's less to update for each team unlike the Cup teams, however I'd like the Busch regulars to eventually outnumber the Cup teams.
Next year I may add a money league only for Busch regulars, if they'd like it.
Hey Lou, I'll be the first to say if you need the room I'll back out of Busch. Really just wanted to infaltrate your "Cup" league. Have some more prospects I'll send you down the road. Be advised that all Busch teams I'm helping to get hooked up want to eventually race in Cup league as room permits. Hope these folks enjoy racing here as much as I do.
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!
I just hope that all these new Busch teams know that there's a chance that it could be awhile before we get another opening in the Cup league. It was a fluke that you got in, don't know if anyone else is going to drop out unexpectedly. One possibility is removing The Blue Ovals since he's missed a number of races now. I'll email the council and maybe we can decide on a maximum amount of provisionals one team can have in the season before we remove them.
However, a lot of these new guys that are joining up, well they may have to wait until next year before a spot opens, and even then nothing is certain yet.
as inexplicable as it may be, im sure we are going to lose three to six teams at the end of the year.....people always have something going on whether its losing internet, moving, losing the link, grow tired of making picks, realizing they dont compete strongly enough, etc., etc.