I would like to openly apologize to Speedy, over the past 2 yrs I have at times taken a side against you. In the past few days I have come to realize that has been a misstake. If it wasnt for you these boards would be dead, and there is no telling what some people would try and pull.
I am sorry, and in the future you will have my support.
Or how about these oldies but goodies from Speedy?
JJr. I would love to meet you in person. Your a punk, and quite frankly lou has kept you breathing longer than I think is nessary. Your a lucky man my friend so why don't you keep your blow hole plugged. The only reason I'm wasting my time responeding to you is because of Lou. Nobody else likes your shyte either. One more thing out of you is all it will take. Try saying something possitive for a change. Try me.
6 digit job landed today. Been shootin for this job for awhile!! Galaxy just wondering what you make to teach? Bet it's not 6 figures!! Correct my english all you want chump, I as usual I probably triple your salary!
Don't be jealous. I'm sorry teaching kids doesn't pay more. JJR lou's saved your arse once, now it's out of his controll. Sleep well princess.
Ahh the classics.... remember JJR the board Nazi? Yep.... good times.