the front of kenseths car saturday ? or maybe even sunday ? he proudly showed off a couple different paint schemes getting the sponsors plenty of attention and showing all you bowtie worshippers the big blue oval that is FORD racing ! am thinking about writing roush-fenway and petitioning them to add the badge to the rear of the car so your guys can see it from where they wanted to rub in that ford swept the races this weekend ! how many did she-vy take this week ? yea i know , wait til next week right ? lol......whos gonna win in mexico ?
Oh ... gosh who on the Daytona 500? SNAP... thats right it was a Chevy wasnt it . Im thinkin for winning the race yesterday Matty wont be on Dave tonight
the only reason chevy gets more wins is they field twice as many cars . i shoot a pretty good game of pool but if im shooting with someone whos not any good its a lot harder with all the traffic in the way . level the playing field and then count the victories . im sticking with my earlier statement "ford will win the championship"
Kenseth against the bulk of the superstars huh? Johnson, Gordon, Earnhardt, Busch, the other Busch, Newman, Kahne, Sadler, Stewart, Hamlin......seems not to promising when you look at it like that.
Kenseth is Ford's only chance at winning the title, and don't get me wrong, he has the talent and the resources to get it done, its just the odds are not in his favor when the above mentioned drivers are in contention for the win, week in and week out.
i find tooz' reply humorous at best . i'll give you that the odds are not great kenseth or any ford driver will win the trophy but the drivers you mentioned are laughable . gordon is still a good driver but johnson is the media darling of that camp and im not sure jeff's head is in the game right now anyway . kurt busch maybe . kyle is any other teams ringer because of his stupid antics . he cant be consistent and hes sure to take out a few sure winners every once in awhile , including kenseth of course . stewart no argument but the other four dont finish consistently and wont win many races in my opinion . this year i believe its harvick , stewart , kenseth in that order until they show me otherwise . again this is only my opinion but im hoping and wanting ford to come through . am not sure biffle can get it together either and know mcmurray is nothing but we will see
It's pretty much guaranteed that the #8, #24, #48, #5, #20, #2, #9 will all finish ahead of any other Ford driver other than the #17. And the #11, #12, #19 and the #1 all have the potential to do likewise. Ford just isn't going to do much this year, face it. There is nothing wrong with rooting for your camp, just don't set your sights to high, lol.
It's been awhile since I've had to address this issue. But we all know, friends don't let friends drive a ford. Thats why Ford has laid-off thousands of employees this year and last year. Nobody is buying those pieces of dung. Even Matt doesn't stand a chance against superior equipment such as Chevy..even Dodge. Sorry Fordboy but give it up. Ford won't win it this year and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is!! Hundred bucks sound OK? Don't be shy now, let me know. My email address is on site but I doubt I'll here from you on this subject.LOL If your so sure about Ford...don't be a feared to contact me! I can ALWAYS use an extra C-Note!!
SDR PS. I can't even remember the last ford to win it. Matt I reckon, and what a rip-off that was. Thats when the Kennseth rule was implimented wasn't it?
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!
im not sure what youre wanting to bet on but ill offer up a suggestion . since noone thinks anything of my fords what say we try it this way ? anyone who wants to put up 50 bucks and pick their team , not driver , and if cup champ is on their team they get pot . im saying roush will win title with one of his fords . anyone care to ante up and pick their own team ? no matter who , childress , hendrick , gibbs , DEI , whoever. first one to pick that team owns it and so forth . if my brother doesnt mind we can all send him money to hold since everyone knows him and im new here . but yes i am willing to put my money where my mouth is and my bike could use a new paint job at the end of the season . look forward to seeing where this goes !
You know what, Ill take the lead on this. It seems my brother needs to be shown the light and come to the realization that even Dodge and Toyota will win before Ford wins again.
Ill even go one further, I'll go with DEI. Already, out of the gate, I should be the darkhorse considering that we only have one real shot at winning it with Jr. and he sits where, in 41st right now. At least I'm loyal and willing to put my money where my mouth is!
So, Ford TUFF picks Roush. June Bug picks DEI.
Still up for grabs are:
Hendrick (speed bump, where are you?) Penske (John, still feel like Newman is the man?) Gibbs (Stewart and Hamlin looks good people) Ginn (Martin finally left that crappy team) Wood Brothers (hey, it could happen) Ganassi (Moonnnntooooyyaaaaa) Bill Davis (Blaney is the MAN) Evernham (Kahne and Sadler, nice duo) and of course, the also rans.