The last menu worked for nearly everyone, however it was giving a few issues.
First, while using Internet Explorer, every so often an error message would pop up saying that it couldn't load the site. This only happened with IE, not FireFox.
Second, sometimes it would make the page appear longer than what it should be. Meaning, it made the footer appear like 10 inches above the bottom of the screen.
There was something in the java code that was doing this and I have no idea what it was.
So, I went back to the drawing board again.... And I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but I used the same menu system that we've been using all along. The site I used to design the original menu also had drop down menus. So I created a new menu and I don't think it should give any problems since it's the same type we've been using. Also, the original menu looked funky in Firefox, but I tested this menu and it looks fine.
So, that should be it. Anyone who used the old menu should be able to use this one.