R.J. Palmer has volunteered to keep track of the multi-car team averages for each of the 36 races. On each team page, the current average finish will be shown, right below the cars and sponsors. There will also be a link to the team average page. It should be interesting to track which teams perform the best throughout the season. Special thanks goes to R.J. for helping out with this.
The team with the best average finish at the end of the season will get a special team award on their page.
The big award will be the team that accumulates the most bonus points from their members as they will win the team championship award.
I'm thinking of also awarding team awards for most wins between members, most top 5's and most top 10's.
Are there any other substantial awards that you think should be awarded?
-- Edited by President Lou Demian at 13:05, 2008-02-15