Many of you may not know this but this year will mark my 5th year as a volunteer at the world famous P'tree roadrace. I'm a marshal at an unruly corner early in the race. I "talk" rednecks out of many things so runners don't get injured some how. This will be Eli's first year as my new sidekick if you will. I congratulate her! She knows not what she has volunteered for just yet! LOL. She has showed up for my Habitat for Humanity gigs but this will blow her mind. Wish her luck kids. Luv ya mean it.
PS. Hey Tooz, forgot and sent my 50 bucks to the regular site. I'll send you 50 more in the next couple of weeks so you and Lucky Dog get their due recognition.
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!