It was discussed by the council that the all star race should be a non point event, just like the real one. It would hurt those teams too much that weren't elligible for the event but were up in the standings. Therefore, the race will be mainly about pride and prestige. Since only race winners are invited into the event, it is enough to say that you actually participated in it. A notation will go on your team page and a little award as well, if you win the race. Also I removed the eligibility of inviting the teams that picked the most race winner and most pole winner in the current year, if they haven't won a race yet. Only those teams that won races in 2004 and 2005 up to the all star race, plus past champions and past all star race winners will be eligible.
Of course we'll still have the Cash challenge as well, so it's another reason to want to play too. The cash challenge is open to all teams regardless if they are in the all star field or not.