there are 9 teams that picked the exact same drivers and troy wiggins is one,stephen dicaprio is one and nathan helton is also one! that means this thing is going down to the wire!
Come on Troy, you should have told me who you were picking so I could have gone in a different direction, lol. Since we have the same picks, it could come down to tiebreakers and team bonus points, which would be amazing...good luck!
Yep... I saw that was one popular set of picks this weekend. That's gonna be a pain sorting that group of drivers out. It's gonna be a close race, that's for sure.
Yea 5 chase driver. But only a few of us picking the Bif to win. Good luck to all this weekend. Looks like we all dodged a bullet in qualifing. The #10 starting 43. That would have put a lot of people in the hole to start!
-- Edited by Bump and Go Racing at 20:11, 2008-11-14