As we did last season, this is post will consist of everyone who is looking to join a new multi-car team for the 2011 season.
If you are looking to join a new team next year, please either email me or reply to this post. If you were on a team last year but are looking to move to a new team, make sure you notify the owner so they aren't in for a rude surprise.
If you are the owner of a multi-car team and have some spots open for next year, you can post here or let me know.
If you post here, please leave your email so others can contact you!
Jessy, Greg and John I would like to join the team as well if you want a fourth. I had a team a few years ago that all members went separate ways. It would be fun to take them on now with a new team. Email me at if you are interested.
Ryan I have a chevy team and im looking to fill a spot...I want a team that discusses picks each week..if anyone is interested in joining my team i have 1 spot open but could add another if its right