I know this gets to be a quite heated topic when ever it comes up it seems, however I had a thought in mind for next year. My idea was to make the Superstars beneficial regardless of where they finish. It's nothing to Earth shattering, but what I was thinking was what if we said your superstar pick could go no lower then Zero(0) points during the race they're picked for. Since we can only use them once a year and I've noticed that actually once they go negative you get no benefit from them. An example of this is that this week someone who had Jr. picked as a superstar would have gotten -5 points and the person who just had him picked normally got -5 points. So what I'm saying is that the person who had him tagged as an superstar would have came out 5 points ahead of the other because the Superstars couldn't go below Zero(0). There is no way we could implement this for this year because it would cause a bunch changes throughout the season. Anyhow, let me know what you think.
Actually I had suggested this change be made for next year a few months back.
We'll be voting on this issue plus many other changes in the next couple of months, but this is one change I wouldn't mind at all.
I need to talk to the council soon, I'll be sending an email out to them shortly. I want to schedule an ideas session soon... maybe this week or next week. It will be held in the league chat room. Hopefully the council members can decide on a time when all or most of them can attend. However, this will also be available to the rest of the league. Would like to get a lot of people in there throwing out new ideas and changes for next year.
Just my 2 cents but what is the big deal with the Super Stars. I think life would be better with out them. go with your picks and thats it. Also the people not ranking ther picks. Thats no big deal either. If they end up tied they lose. they are responisable for ranking if they chose not to its there choice. why hold there hand. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
In all honesty, having no superstars would probably help me more then anything. I'm sure everyon else feels that they curse whom ever they pick for the week. However, I probably have to record hands down. Right now my total points from Superstar picks is 317. Even some of the late entries for season have far more points then I do off the Superstars.
hate to jump on the bandwagon here, but I'm not that fond of the idea of Superstars either...........of course i didnt use mine correctly this year but thats my fault........I was one of three teams that used them every week and it really doesnt hurt you, but I think there should be a limit like break the season in half and you can only use 5-7 per segment.
i.e.- if you dont use all allotted superstars by All-Star break, you lose them much like a timeout in Football in each half.
I'll bring this up again in the chat session, its just an idea.
i like the idea of superstar but i dont like the fact that you get double points like it should be you get normal points unless that driver gets a top 5 or 3 then it doubles or get rid is the easy way out