Of course with 34 new rookies out of 45 teams... well there was a pretty good chance of the happening, lol.
That happened in the Cup Series too last year when a bunch of new teams joined on the offseason. This year we only have 7 and no rookies are in the top 10 yet... of course that might change after this weekend.
Next year will be better for the Busch Series standings since the rookies will be cut down a lot.
I concur lou. I didn't mind stepping aside so new racers could join your league but they should remember a lot of us stepped aside to make their entrance attainable. I for one would be happy to "re-join" if any new members leave. Thnks
Well we still have some spots available, so you can rejoin if you want.
There were quite a few no-shows that first week. Our cap is 54 and we have 45 right now, so we still have a little bit of room to add a few here and there.