Atlanta and Knoxville turned out really well for Lou Demian and put him in contention to take over the points lead soon. While the some of the top player struggled this week, Lou was successful in all three series and scored a total of 99 points. That matches the highest weekly total set by Janet Sebern in week #14. Lou picked Bowman, Allgaier and Enfinger and moves up 2 spots to 2nd place in the standings. he is now just 28 points behind Stephen DiCaprio who struck out in three races. If Lou can keep his streak going then he'll be able to take over the lead at New Hampshire next week.
In second place it was Merline Glenn with 62 points. Merline was also successful with all three of her picks, she went with Elliott, Kyle Busch and Enfinger. She holds in 10th place but pulled within just one point of 9th.
Jessy Turgeon was only successful with his Cup pick but his streak was able to stretch to 9 weeks. That's the longest running Cup streak of the season and just one week behind the highest overall streak of the season, which is 10 weeks in the Xfinity series by Janet Sebern. Jessy holds in 8th place this week.