I'm truely sorry to see Mark leaving us, however someone will have to replace him. I think this could wait for the off-season, but really dosen't have too. Either way I would like to throw Riney or YatesFan into the mix. William posts more than Yatesfan. YatesFan has been a member longer, and has a pretty level head. I think either of these gentlemen would due just fine.
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!
Anyone has to do is volunteer for the spot. We had the first council opening posted a few weeks ago and you were the only one who took an interest.
I don't think Will is really interested to tell you the truth, but I could be wrong, who knows.
Marty is an excellent league member in my opinion and is more than welcome to apply for the position.
We were most likely going to wait until the offseason before we start looking at candidates since we're not quite sure yet who has other plans after this season ends.
At the conclusion of the season I will be sending an email out to everyone requesting them to respond on who will be returning. This year I don't want to wait too long before I know who we'll have to replace, so I will make it an early deadline.
Well due to recent developements I think if anyone has responcebilities in another league might not be a good fit. This way no conflict of interests. Don't have to put that in concrete but something to think about.
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!
Well if a nomination was made, I guess I'll accept it. It can be voted on when ever. I just dont understand how some subjects get beat into the ground with childesh bitching when the answer or reasoning is so simple stated. We would really have to put hard rules together in the offseason. Lou has allready begun that process, I've seen.
Thanks Marty, you will definately be a candidate worth considering. We will most likely be voting for our new council member after the conclusion of the season, which is almost upon us. Hard to believe November is here already.