The new truck series is growing by leaps and bounds and we are only a little over a week into the off-season. A number of people from the Cup and Busch leagues have expressed interest in wanting to race in it. Currently we have 30 people signed up, with a possible 5 more. So far 7 new members have joined the league and with the Busch Series now being full, they will begin in the Truck Series. This will be the largest opening day roster of any of our three leagues run. Unfortunately while the league is filling up, it is also close to becoming totally filled. We are only taking 43 members in the Cup and Busch leagues and 54 in the Truck league. I would like to ask that no other current members ask to join the new league so we have some open spots left for the new members looking to join.
If the league continues to grow like this every year, I can see in five years or so, implementing a rule that states a team can only run in one particular series at a time!
I appreciate it Speedy, but I don't think it will have to come to that. Let's wait and see what the series looks like near the start of the season before any of the current teams give up their spot.
lou, if you need a spot for a team in the truck series. i wont be mad at all to give up my spot! I think we should really consider allowing one team to have only one team in one division, so we can grow our league into as many different teams as possible!
ok thanks, Troy... We'll see if it might eventually come to that. So far we still have room.... with a couple of Busch spots opening up too since three teams have not notified me that they are returning. We won't really know until January-February when we get the real rush of teams signing up.