Man, what a bummer. Took Daniel to hospital for the flu. Major fever and nausa. Guess he'll be alright. As a side note he dislocated his shoulder a couple weeks ago and is doing so many drugs they can't give any anti-swelling drugs, yet he still jokes with me. What a guy. I love him mucho. Just thought yall might want to know.
They let me out yesterday afternoon. Seems I had an allergic reaction from my flu meds with my "other" meds. Throat swelled shut for a while so they crammed a tube down my throat so I could breathe until the orginal "flu" meds got out of my system. needless to say I couldn't eat either. I'm better now and will "attempt" work tomorrow as a load has piled up that no one else can seem to handle. Wow what a memorable X-mas!! Hope yalls was better. Don't see how anyone could have had a worse one but you never know. Unfortunately for the rest of the world I'm getting my voice back too! LOL Yall have a great New Years and be careful if your out and about.
-- Edited by Speed Demon Racing at 18:00, 2006-12-26
3 Time Lucky Dog Chase team. 2006,2007,2008. Mafia MotorSports Driver...... he who laughs last, definitely thinks slowest. Redemption 2009!